Root is for curious eaters who want the stories behind their food. Root offers inspiration, information, and thoughtful dives into food-related issues, plus original illustrations, from author and food historian Dr. Julia Skinner.
Why subscribe?
A subscription includes monthly subscriber-only emails, but a lot more too. When you subscribe you get:
Monthly newsletters with recipes and stories about historic foods and ferments
Free access to Root's mini classes (like this one on sowans, a special dish made with fermented oats)
Early access to exciting events (like this event with Sandor Katz and Kirsten Shockey)
10% discount on all online workshops, including Preserving Abundance
10% off all Root's services, including one-on-one fermentation coaching, research/creative services, consulting, and custom-designed menus
Occasional bonus discounts for subscribers only, on online classes and more, up to 50% off
Free surprises throughout the year, which can include exciting collaborations (like these Atlantis-inspired recipes), original artwork, exclusive member virtual hangouts, and more
Paid subscription
For $5 a month you get all the above, plus the emails sent to free subscribers.
Free subscription
Free subscribers get occasional emails with upcoming events, tips/ideas (and the occasional recipe), musings on fermentation and food history, and more.