Sometimes, a recipe comes to you in a dream.
Recently, I had a vivid dream about respiratory support tea: Maybe because of the cold weather and the constant dryness from my heating system, every part of me has felt dry, respiratory system included.
In my dream, I was taking a hot bath, drinking a cup of this tea, but only after blending it together in my cozy kitchen, surrounded by my cats. It was during a week of especially vivid, beautiful dreams, and one I’ve been reaping the benefits of since.
Here’s how to make my lung love tea:
Blend together 1 c dried mullein leaf, 1/2 c dried rose petals, and 1/2 c dried marshmallow leaf and store in an airtight container.
Make tea with 1 tbsp leaves in 6-8 oz hot water, sweetening with honey if desired.
Beyond the kitchen:
The Culinary Curiosity School has new classes, including Food Writing Playground, which starts in June but is more affordable if you get it early (and, you’ll get it before it fills up).
Use the code CURIOUS for 30% off any Culinary Curiosity School class.
I’ve also been spinning up a bunch of new classes, including group programs in my writing space, like the Mycelia Writers’ Coven and Symbiosis: A 6-month program for expanding your creative practice in community.
My themes this year for supporting creatives are expansion, abundance, and community.
Use the code INTUITION for 20% off any of them!
I’m also running a 21-day writing challenge in March: More details coming soon!
I’m getting ready for the next round of travels, too: to WNC and to Nashville for conferences, then back to Ireland. If you’re in Cork, let’s go on a hike or an adventure together!
I’d love to hear what you’re cooking up this month: Let me know in the comments!